Click on and Sign Up
It is complimentary for any client of Connect Outsourcing.
There is a Support button on
You will need to press the green "Sync" button (top right) in Plus91.
You can either bulk allocate by clicking on the white circle on the left of the job names (the "Allocate to Remote" button will appear above) or click on the job line in the "Action" column the arrow
In the "Sorting Row" underneath your logo, click on the drop-down menu next to "Job Category" click the "Filter" button to action.
In the sorting row underneath the "Select client" box, click on the drop-down menu, tick/untick options.
Click on the video camera at the top of the screen next to the "Hamburger menu", there are training videos & a downloadable manual.
Click on the "Hamburger menu" (3 lines top right) and then "Staff", once a new staff member has been added, please go to the Status Permissions in the "Hamburger menu" if you have allocated staff to jobs and choose which notifications they would like to receive. Please note that in "Other Permissions" option 2 needs to be ticked "Email Notification to Job Owner".
These are overdue jobs
Click on the moving blue circular icon bottom right
Ensure you are the person in your firm, that has those permissions (only one person can have this feature) by clicking on the "Hamburger menu" (3 lines) at the top of the screen, choose "Other Permissions" and see who is allocated to the task under the “Workflow Jobs Sequencing".
Then there will be empty "Pins" against each job – by clicking on the pin you can determine the order the job should be done in (these can be edited by hovering over the pin and clicking)
There are 2 main areas:
Click on the “Person” icon top right
There are 3 columns on the Home screen
Click on any of these columns to see an audit trail which you can print or download to csv.
Click on the "Hamburger menu" and then "Support"
Click on the "Hamburger menu" and click on "Job Stages" then "Add New".
Go to the "Hamburger menu" and click on "General Rules & Policies".
Go to the "Hamburger menu" and "Reports" then "Fee Report"
These are updated by India, "Expt Date" shows the rough date your remote team expect to have the draft accounts to you by (unless there are any complications) and the "Date Billed" will be entered by India telling you what date Connect billed you for this job.
Yes, click on the "link" icon far right of the job row.
Yes, click on the "pencil" icon far right of the job row in the "Action" column.